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Ken | כן

“Ken | כן” is a full-length interdisciplinary solo dance piece that deals with a reality of chaos and the sovereignty for alternatives of existence raising from it. Corresponding with the current hyper conflicted reality, Goshen engages with events of extreme disruption, on a personal, national, international and global level. Action by action she learns the physicality of the forces’ collision of ruins and survivability. She welcomes chaos as a pattern of evolution rather than repetition. Can History, for once, NOT repeat itself?

More about the piece

Ken | כן performances in E-werk Freiburg
20th & 21st September 2024, 19:00
Further information and tickets on the website

-> As part of the guest performances in Freiburg, the workshop BodyBelonging(s), based on the research for the solo piece ‘KEN | כן’, will take place on 21st September 2024 at bewegungs-art freiburg. Further information can be found here.

Ken | כן performances in FITZ Theater Stuttgart
17th, 18th & 19th October 2024, 20:00
Further information and tickets will be available soon on the website

Concept, choreography & performance: Smadar Goshen
Outside Eye & Dramaturgy: Maya Caroll and Maya Weinberg
Lighting design: Omer Sheizaf
Costume: Katharina Ruprecht
Music: Leonard Küßner
Video & Animation: Remmy Canedo
Production: Lisa Ticar
Production assistance: Sophie Gisbertz
Communication: Angela Milosevic
Graphics: Evelyn Fortmeier
Video documentation: Jan Hottmann and Valentin Leuschel

Special Thanks to Sabrina Schray, Amy Josh, Lior Skoury, the Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance e.V. Stuttgart team and the Freie Tanz-und Theaterszene Stuttgart guG team.

Ken | כן premiered in January 2024 at the FITZ Theater in Stuttgart and was funded by the state capital Stuttgart, the Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden Württemberg (LaFT BW) e.V. with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg, the Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart gUG, the Péter Horváth Stiftung and was supported by the Produktionszentrum Tanz und Performance Stuttgart, Residency Support | Theater Freiburg and the Tanzzentrale Nürnberg. The performances of Ken | כן in September 2024 at E-WERK Freiburg are made possible by the funding of the Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg (LaFT BW) e.V. with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg.

20/09/24 | 19:00 | E-WERK, Freiburg
21/09/24 | 19:00 | E-WERK, Freiburg

17/10/24 | 20:00 | FITZ Theater, Stuttgart
18/10/24 | 20:00 | FITZ Theater, Stuttgart
19/10/24 | 20:00 | FITZ Theater, Stuttgart